Sustainability in spices has been the main focus and targeted by end-users for upcoming years. Unispices Wazaran, supported by The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) on Sustainable Spices Initiation (SSI), is providing information on sustainability (i.e. social, ecology) directly to farmers and collectors. Basic information on good handling during harvest, proper processing after harvest and development of market situation is given to the farmers and collectors. Moreover, providing this information in combination with support to farmers and workers with respect to the socio-economic values and healthy working conditions is key for proper development of sustainable sourcing.
Hence, traceable sourcing, product safety and the highest quality products are our main focus and correspond to the current sustainability development in spices.
Furthermore, our initial steps for Corporate Social Responsibility are by being engaged and contribute to give valuable contribution to the community around the unit, i,e, donation for religious activities, donation for orphanages education on annual basis.